An important new addition to Bangkok's jazz scene: Muan Jazz Bar
The atmosphere is cozy, intimate, pleasant. Everything can be accompanied by good red and white wines and beers of all kinds and origins.
di Francesco Tortora
Martedì 14 Novembre 2023
Dal nostro corrispondente a Bangkok - 14 nov 2023 (Prima Pagina News)
The atmosphere is cozy, intimate, pleasant. Everything can be accompanied by good red and white wines and beers of all kinds and origins.

There are not many places where you can listen to "real" Jazz in Bangkok, today there is a new opportunity for that and it is called Muan Jazz Bar 

Besides being able to listen to good jazz at Muan Jazz Bar you can also eat well, Italian, Japanese and of course Thai. The atmosphere is cozy, intimate, pleasant. Everything can be accompanied by good red and white wines and beers of all kinds and origins 

One of the fastest means of getting around in an unbridled megalopolis that is always jammed in traffic that often paralyzes it is the skytrain, an elevated light rail that allows you to watch car traffic below you as you speed past everyone's heads and reach your chosen destination very cheaply and at great speed. 

Well, if you take the BTS skytrain line and get off at the Saphan Kwai stop, you are just a few steps away from a building ravine populated by many small restaurants and very interesting locations, all to be discovered. One of them is the Muan Jazz Bar, which opened a few weeks ago in November 2023 and where you can, at the same time, eat and drink well and be able to listen to good jazz through the participation of young Thai musicians who each year earn their degrees from Thailand's most renowned universities, from the most established University Jazz Courses and who show the world what the level of knowledge they have acquired in the field of Jazz is today. They are the clearest face of what Thailand is today, a young, fast face, full of life and zest for life. 

You enter The Hub Phahol-Ari, use an elevator, and go up to the eighth floor. Next to a computer graphics studio, you find one of the newest surprises in the contemporary jazz scene in Bangkok, Muan Jazz Bar. 

Jarut Chanprapanont, 34, is one of 3 founders and owners of Muan Jazz Bar; while conversing about the current state of jazz offerings in Bangkok, he has a plate of spaghetti with pesto and squid rings arrive at the table, "You're Italian, I'm very interested in your opinion on one of the Italian dishes we serve here at Muan." But Jarut doesn't stop there; he also has his staff prepare a plate of breaded and fried squid, a dish that has been enjoying quite a bit of success in Bangkok in recent times (a bit like Prosecco, now hugely popular throughout Thailand). 

"There is a large presence of Japanese dishes on our menu, but it is our intention to expand the range of Thai dishes as well, so that our customers can also experience a kind of crossover between Italian, Japanese and Thai cuisine, according to their own choices and inclinations." 

Wines, beers, and alcoholic spirits are also discussed, but-as can be easily guessed-it is jazz that is the main theme of Muan Jazz Bar. 

"Especially on weekends there are many frequenters of this Jazz Bar, there is a great need in Bangkok to listen to jazz that is not the usual mainstream one of refined locations, rooftops, places where Jazz is confined to the role of ambient music, which contributes to the somewhat snobbish relaxation. Today, especially in Bangkok, Jazz fans are looking for something different, a return to the origins of Jazz, to a certain purity of it, we might say. This explains why -step by step- more and more venues are coming up where they want to play and listen to a freer, more direct jazz that goes to the heart of the listeners and allows musicians to finally be able to take off their evening dress, their tie and put on the most honest and sincere dress, Jazz in its essence".

Muan Jazz Bar, The Hub Phahol-Ari, 8th floor, Bangkok, Thailand, Tel.: 084 096 5551 

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